Page 14 - Jewish Foundation Ways to Give
P. 14

How May We Help You?
We realize you may still have questions about the various options outlined in this brochure. Please call or email us to further discuss. Don’t hesitate to give the Advisor Guide on the next page to your attorney, accountant, and other advisors. They will find the information very helpful.
Again, we encourage you to inform us of your intentions so that we can ensure your legacy will be used exactly as you intend. When you inform us of your planned gift, you will be invited to join The Legacy Society.
Please join us!
What will your scholarship be called?
You can name the Jewish Foundation in your will or trust or as a beneficiary of life insurance, retirement or other plans and designate that the monies be used for a scholarship fund named after your family or anyone you choose. What a wonderful legacy! Your scholarship
can be for Jewish camping, a local day school, Israel programs or a synagogue school. We have even had donors establish scholarship funds at the Jewish Foundation for their university alma mater.
We thank you and future students and campers will thank you, too.

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