Page 3 - Jewish Foundation Ways to Give
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Throughout Jewish history, the religious mandate to repair the world has been a unique characteristic of our culture. Our children are taught tzedakah through their parents’ and grandparents’ examples of volunteering, giving, and caring for those unable to care for themselves. Thanks in part because of the legacy of those who came before us, our community has built synagogues, enjoyed Jewish education, cared for those in need, and supported Israel. Have you thought about what your legacy will be for the next generation?
Chances are you already support Jewish charitable organizations. Have you considered including those organizations in your estate plan so that you can continue making a difference for future generations? By doing so you can express your values, honor your heritage, and do something lasting and significant for your community. Through a charitable bequest or other planned gift, the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven can assist you in supporting and impacting the charitable organizations that are important to you.
Creating your Jewish legacy ensures that you’ll be remembered and your work and Jewish values will continue beyond your lifetime. By creating your legacy today, you can secure vital Jewish community programs that you wish to sustain while ensuring a safety net to protect and strengthen our Jewish community for generations. It’s a meaningful, personal way to honor loved ones, and teach your children and grandchildren the value of philanthropy. You will ensure a strong, vibrant and engaging community that will perpetuate your values into the future.
We are here to help you achieve your philanthropic intentions. Working with your professional advisor, we can help ensure that your gift not only accomplishes your personal financial goals, but also creates a lasting legacy that supports our community in the ways you have intended.
Best regards,
Lisa Stanger, Esq., Executive Director Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven
You can create your legacy for Jewish New Haven with the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. Your gift can be for your synagogue or any organization or program that is important to you. You can make your gift now with cash or stock or you can create your legacy through a will or estate plan, or by adding the Jewish Foundation as a beneficiary on retirement assets or life insurance. Your legacy will help our community continue its commitment to the next generation.

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