by sdomena | Jul 11, 2019 | Funds
PACE (PERPETUAL ANNUAL CAMPAIGN ENDOWMENT) & LOJE (LION OF JUDAH ENDOWMENT) ENDOWING YOUR JEWISH FEDERATION ANNUAL CAMPAIGN GIFT How can you provide for Jewish education, camps, schools, the elderly, those in need, the JCC and for Jews locally and overseas?...
by sdomena | Jul 11, 2019 | Funds
DESIGNATED/RESTRICTED FUNDS FOR SYNAGOGUES, AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS With the Jewish Foundation, you can establish a named Designated/Restricted Fund for your synagogue, for Jewish education, for the needy, for Israel, for the arts, or for any...
by sdomena | Apr 4, 2019 | Meet Our Donors
CAMP LAURELWOOD SCHOLARSHIP FUND BOBBE GROSSMAN Bobbe Grossman established a scholarship fund for Camp Laurelwood in memory of her husband, Richard Grossman z’l. “There’s an Irving Berlin song about hating to get up in the morning—it references murdering the...
by sdomena | Jan 18, 2018 | News
n the summer of 2016, the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven Board of Trustees, following a recommendation of the Foundation’s Investment Committee, approved a RFP process (Request for Proposal) for a new investment advisor/consultant for the Foundation. The...
by sdomena | Sep 28, 2017 | News
Jewish Camp Works Did you know that…. As adults, Jewish campers are 21 percent more likely to feel that being Jewish is very important.As adults, Jewish campers are 26 percent more likely to be members of a synagogue.As adults, Jewish campers are 55 percent more...