Beckerman Family Pace Challenge

About the Beckerman Family PACE Challenge
Established in partnership with the Beckerman Family Foundation, the $2 million Beckerman Family PACE Challenge is a 1:1 match intended to secure the future of the Greater New Haven Jewish community through newly established and increased Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) funds: $1 million to be comprised of new PACE funds, and the other million dollars to be from additions to existing PACE funds. Read more about the Challenge’s origins in Shalom New Haven.

What is PACE?
A Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Fund is a permanent endowment fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven established in your name to perpetuate your annual commitment to the Federation’s Annual Campaign. As an endowment fund, principal is not touched and the fund is invested with the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. Each year, the fund income is distributed to the Federation’s Annual Campaign. The annual distribution will be made in perpetuity in your name.
Did You Know:
A Women’s Philanthropy gift can also be endowed as a special type of PACE fund called a LOJE (or Lion of Judah Endowment)!
“PACE is insurance for the community. Without it, the future of the community promises to be very, very challenging.”
How Does It Work?
Anyone can start an endowment fund, no matter your financial situation. The minimum amount required to start a fund is $10,000, but it doesn’t need to be fully funded up-front. An endowment can be funded over time through periodic donations (a great way to mark a milestone or special occasion!) or with a single gift. Donations can be made in the form of cash, stock and/or planned gifts such as a bequest in your will or an IRA or life insurance designation.
The money contributed is used to establish a Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Fund in your name. The fund is invested in Federation’s Endowment Foundation for long term growth. Each year, a distribution is made from your PACE Fund to Federation to perpetuate your annual support.
Why Should I Open a PACE Fund?
Reason #1: PACE Funds Account for a Sizeable (and Growing!) Portion of Federation’s Annual Campaign
When David and Ruthann Beckerman first helped launch PACE in the Greater New Haven community back in 1999, PACE fund disbursements accounted for just under $20,000 towards a $3.17 million annual campaign, or a little more than 0.6% of all donations to that year’s campaign. Last year, PACE funds paid out $517,000 into a $2.39 million campaign, or nearly 22% of all monies raised. And if you start a PACE fund today, we can ensure that number continues to grow to provide a strong foundation for our community’s future.
Reason #2: Starting a PACE Fund is a Win-Win Scenario!
When you open a PACE fund at the Jewish Foundation, not only does it provide benefits to the Jewish community for decades to come — it also benefits you! Here are some of the ways:
- Recognition. You are recognized as a PACE donor when you announce your commitment to make this enduring gift.
- Tax Benefits. You may receive estate and/or income tax benefits depending on your specific situation and the funding method chosen.
- Impact. Your gift will generate future income to support Federation.
- Values. This gift makes a statement to your children and grandchildren about your Jewish values and commitment to Jewish life and continuity.
“It’s a question of priorities. Our priority is to ensure the future of our Jewish community.
What we need to do is build a very stable and strong foundation. And that comes from an endowment fund.”
How do I establish a planned or legacy gift?
There are a variety of vehicles you can use, such as securities, retirement plan assets, real estate, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and gifts of life insurance. Here are just some of the options available to you:
- Donate cash or securities during your lifetime.
- Leave a gift to Federation in your Will.
- Gift a new or existing life insurance policy by naming “Federation” as owner and beneficiary of the policy.
- Complete a “Beneficiary Designation Form” with your IRA administrator which lists Federation as a beneficiary.
- Include Federation as a charitable beneficiary of your Donor Advised Fund after your lifetime.
Can the Federation work with my financial advisors?
Absolutely! It’s important to consult with your financial advisor before making any planned or legacy gifts. In partnership with the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, Federation will work with you and your professional advisors to plan a gift that achieves your personal financial and charitable goals. We are available to meet and consult with you and your advisors throughout the process.
To learn more about PACE and the Beckerman PACE Challenge, please contact:
Lisa Stanger at (203) 387-2424 x382, [email protected], or
Amy Holtz at (203) 387-2424 x254, [email protected].
In 2024, the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven distributed