Israel Experience Scholarships

Eligible Program List 

Israel Scholarship Recognized Programs

Alexander Muss Institute for Israel Education, High School in Israel

Aryeh Adventures

Bnei Akiva: Mach Hach

Camp Morasha: Sulam

Camp Sdei Chemed: Girls and Boys Programs

Camp YT”T

Colel Chabad’s Young Shluchim Summer Program

Dror Leadership High School

The Eli & Bessie Cohen Foundation: Dor L’Dor

Habonim Dror: Machaneh Bonim Israel

Hashomer Hatzair: Yedid Plus

Israel Scouts-Tzofim: Chetz V’Keshet

Jewish Reconstructionist Federation: No’ar Hadash Israel Experience

Koby Mandell Foundation: Camp Koby

Kol Neshama Summer in Israel


Lev V’Nefesh

Nesiya Institute: Kehillah Summer Experience

STEP Technion Summer Program

Yachad — The National Jewish Council for Disabilities: Yad B’Yad

Yachad Tours

Young Judaea: Israel Summer Programs


 Youth movement programs



Ramah Programs in Israel ([email protected])


Bnei Akiva




Pluralistic Youth Movements


Young Judaea
1-866-599-2534, [email protected]

International MASA
Israel is a funding partnership between the Jewish Federations of North America, the government of Israel, the Jewish Agency for Israel and its partners, and Keren HaYesod. Go to to get information about more than 200 programs and grants.


 For GAP Year Scholarships:

Career Israel

Conservative Yeshiva of the United Synagogue

Hava & Adam Eco-Educational Farm: Eco-Israel

Israel Experience: Israel By Design

The Jerusalem Fellowships: Aish HaTorah International, Hasbara Fellowships

Livnot U’Lehibanot: Galilee Fellowship

Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies Yeshiva Program

Menachem Begin Heritage Center: Israel Government Fellow

New England Institute of Jewish Studies: Jewish Medical Ethics & Israel Experience Program

Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies

Sachlav: Real Life Israel

She’arim College of Jewish Studies for Women

WUJS Israel

Yachad Tour


Find Your Own

 If a program is not listed above, ask us. The program must hold registered 501(c)(3) status.