2023 Third Quarter Newsletter

The Women of Vision Society was proud to fund a grant that played a pivotal role in bridging the intergenerational gap for Jewish seniors at The Towers at Tower Lane. Developed in collaboration with the Southern CT Hebrew Academy and Bais Chana Academy, the “Adopt a Bubbe” program aims to foster meaningful social connections and engagement between female elementary and high school students and female residents at The Towers, promoting companionship, engagement, and learning between the two generations.
The Women of Vision Society (WOV), through their dedicated endowment fund at the Jewish Foundation, has been committed to enhancing the lives of women in the community since its inception in 1996, resulting in over $220,000 in grants to various agencies and programs in greater New Haven and in Israel.
The ‘Adopt a Bubbe’ program, funded by the Women of Vision Society, served as a perfect catalyst to bridge the gap between generations and fulfill both missions, by establishing a sustainable and impactful intergenerational initiative addressing the needs of female Jewish seniors in the community.
The program facilitates the creation of genuine connections, mentorship opportunities, and educational experiences between younger generations and Jewish seniors, and also addresses the feelings of isolation often experienced by seniors.
Education played a significant role in the program with each session focusing on a Jewish holiday or theme that was relevant to both age groups. By sharing their knowledge and experiences, the senior residents at The Towers offered wisdom and cultural insights to the younger generation, while the students shared fresh perspectives and youthful energy to each topic.
The Towers resident, Lil Liberman, was one of the program participants. “This program made me so happy. Today was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time”, she said. “There was so much warmth and love in that room. And to think that this lovely little girl is actually related to my family! We call that b’shert that we were paired together. It was a perfect afternoon!”
WOV demonstrated their commitment to fostering lasting connections and enhancing the lives of Jewish women of all generations. This grant impacts Jewish education and Jewish seniors through community engagement, by enriching the lives of students and the senior residents at The Towers, and by promoting a stronger, more interconnected Jewish community. To learn more about grants offered through the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, please visit newhavenjewishfoundation.org/grants.
Create a Jewish Legacy
We all strive to leave the world a better place through
our children, our good deeds, our generosity.
Create a Jewish Legacy is a program sponsored and presented by the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven and is a collaborative effort of our area agencies and synagogues to secure the future of the New Haven Jewish community.
Create a Jewish Legacy for:
Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven (PACE)
Temple Beth Tikvah
Beth Israel Synagogue
Westville Synagogue
Congregation Mishkan Israel
Temple Beth David
Congregation Or Shalom
Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Emanuel
Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek
Congregation B’nai Jacob
Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel
Orchard Street Shul
Jewish Family Service
Camp Laurelwood
Towers at Tower Lane
Ezra Academy
Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy
Jewish Community Center of Greater New Haven
UConn Hillel
Jewish Cemetery Association of Greater New Haven
Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven
New Haven Mikveh Society
Be forever remembered by our community for the legacy you leave.
Make YOUR legacy a brighter Jewish tomorrow.

Jane Snaider created a legacy for the Jewish Cemetery Association of Greater New Haven.
“My grandparents immigrated to New Haven from Vienna and Russia in the early 1900s. They joined and helped to establish synagogues and cemeteries and all four stayed and raised their families here. My grandparents, parents, and several aunts and uncles are buried in the New Haven area and I will be laid to rest here, too. I am excited to leave a bequest to the Jewish Cemetery Association in honor of my family and all those laid to rest, especially the pioneers, like my grandparents, who founded the early synagogues, lodges, and cemeteries.”
Scott Hurwitz
Norman Alderman
Nan Birdwhistell
Linda Caplan
Marty Cobern
Nancy Cohen
Women of Vision
Suzanne Frisch
Development Chair
Eric Green
Glen Greenberg
Erica Gross
Eric Grubman
David Hass
Jackie Koral
Sarah Nuland
Michael Price
Linda Randell
Eric Ravid
Lewis Shaffer
Doug Skalka
Kal Watsky
Richard Weiss
Gerry Barker
Federation President
Rabbi Benjamin Scolnic
Board of Rabbis Appointee
Steve Fleischman
Steve Glick
Betsy Hoos
LOJE Chair
Jeffrey Hoos
John Levy
Stephen Saltzman
Craig Sklar
Investment Chair & Jewish Elderly Grants Chair
Mark Sklarz
Governance Chair
David Trachten
Lisa Stanger, JD, LL.M.
Executive Director
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x382
Tiberius Halai
Grants & Gifts Manager
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x312
Beth Kupcho
Director of Scholarships & Philanthropy
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x316
Stephanie Licsak
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x327
Tamara Schechter
Create a Jewish Legacy Manager
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x325

Testimonial: Scholarship Recipient Myles Kaplan
“I wanted to take the time to say thank you for this opportunity. I am beyond words excited for this semester, as this scholarship opens so many doors for me. The ability to study is something so dear to me, and you have made it possible. My family and I cannot thank you enough. You have done a great mitzvah and I can only hope that one day I can pay it forward.”
Synagogue School Scholarships
Applications are due October 2, 2023
The Jewish Foundation offers needs-based assistance to New Haven area synagogue schools.
Visit newhavenjewishfoundation.org/scholarships to learn more and apply today!
Your Feedback is Wanted!
Did you receive a scholarship or a grant from the Foundation? Did our tax advice contribute to your philanthropic objectives? How has the Foundation made a difference in your life? We’re eager to know! Please share your thoughts by leaving a brief Google review. (Kindly ensure you’re logged into your Google account for the review to be submitted.) Thank you!
Will you accept the challenge to secure your Jewish future?
Now that the hustle and bustle of summer is coming to an end, we want to bring PACE back into the spotlight and share how you can contribute to this extremely important campaign.
Thanks to our amazing donors, and in partnership with the Beckerman Family Foundation, the PACE Challenge has evolved from a $2 million initiative into a remarkable $5 million challenge. With an impressive $4,100,333 already raised, the campaign is well on its way to achieving its goals. Thank you to the Beckerman Family for their $2 million match which made this possible!
What is it?
PACE stands for Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment, and it operates as a permanent endowment. This type of fund is invested with the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, and the principal remains untouched. Annually, the interest generated is distributed to the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven’s Annual Campaign, in perpetuity, in the donor’s name. This is how we provide for our local Jewish agencies, schools, camps, education, those in need, the frail elderly, and much more.
Why should you join the PACE Challenge?
1. To Ensure Our Community’s Lasting Strength
PACE funds have grown to become a significant portion of the Federation’s Annual Campaign, and grows steadily every year. Last year alone, PACE disbursements contributed nearly 22% of all funds raised. This staggering number demonstrates our donors’ commitments to our community by safeguarding our shared values and traditions.
2. It’s a Win-Win!
PACE contributions not only benefit the community but it also benefits you too. You gain recognition as a PACE donor, receive potential tax benefits, and leave a lasting supportive impact to your Jewish values, ensuring a strong foundation for the future of your community.
How can you contribute to PACE? Anyone can start an endowment fund with a minimum amount of $10,000. It can be funded numerous ways: periodic donations, a single gift, cash, stock, and planned gifts such as bequests in your will or designations from an IRA or life insurance.
Please consider this opportunity to secure the future of every member of the Greater New Haven Jewish community. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of generations to come.
Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of generations to come.

Since its establishment in 2020, the Jewish Foundation’s Jewish Elderly Grants Committee, Chaired by Craig Sklar, has made a significant impact awarding $620,000 to various Jewish organizations and agencies for innovative projects and programs that enhance the quality of life for the Jewish Elderly in the New Haven community.
In 2023, the initiative continued its positive impact, by awarding $176,000 to three deserving agencies: Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven, The Towers at Tower Lane, and Chabad of the Shoreline, all previous grant recipients. The funds enable the agencies to develop new and innovative programs that address needs of the Elderly in the Greater New Haven Jewish Community.
The population of Connecticut is aging; between 2013 and 2025, the share of Connecticut residents 60 years and over will grow by 44 percent.* As the elderly population grows, the need for resources and support for older adults becomes even more significant. The Jewish Foundation’s Grants for the Jewish Elderly is dedicated to serving and funding this need, thanks to the generous contributions from the former Jewish Home Building Fund Corporation and several funds of the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, including the Isaac & Mary Liveten Fund, Marion Litsky Fund, Irvin Shiner 75th Birthday Fund, Benjamin & Freda Cohen Memorial Fund, Eva Kahn Fund, Harry Braffman Fund, and the Leo Links Fund.
“We are thrilled to continue to support the Jewish Elderly in Greater New Haven through theese grants. The $176,000 awarded to Jewish Family Service, The Towers at Tower Lane, and Chabad of the Shoreline reflects our dedication to addressing diverse needs as the aging population grows,” said Craig Sklar, Chair of the Jewish Foundation’s Jewish Elderly Grants Committee. “We are honored to collaborate with our partners, promoting innovative programs for food support, socialization, community outreach, and social work services, ensuring joyful, dignified, and independent golden years.”
Jewish Family Service of Greater New Haven was among the recipients of the grants, supporting their Care Navigators Program. This program welcomes aging adults from all walks of life, regardless of socioeconomic status, faith, culture, or race.
The Care Navigators program provides assessments, referrals, and support to ensure elderly individuals can safely stay in their homes or, where appropriate, help them find appropriate new housing.
The Towers at Tower Lane is utilizing its grant to create a new Community Garden on its campus. This transformative project replaces a decaying and unusable basketball court with an accessible garden space. The community garden will feature a fruit and vegetable garden, equipped with wheelchair-accessible beds for seniors to plant while seated; an herb garden; a chicken coop for fresh eggs; reflection area; shaded gathering area; bocce court; and a dog run.
“Thank you to the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven for providing this grant for the 2nd year in a row. These funds allow us to embark on an exciting project at The Towers at Tower Lane, which is scheduled to start in September,” said Jennifer Bayer, Associate Vice President, Strategic Initiatives. “The Towers is dedicated to creating a thriving and inclusive community, where our seniors can enjoy nature, cultivate their interests, and connect with people of all ages. We are deeply grateful for being awarded these funds and look forward to seeing the Community Garden flourish in the months ahead.”

Chabad of the Shoreline received a grant for its Friendly Visitors program, pairing volunteers for weekly visits with Jewish elderly living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The program aims to bring joy and stimulation to seniors, reducing isolation and increasing socialization. Additionally, this program organizes Intergenerational Jewish projects that provide both the elderly and volunteers with uplifting and enriching experiences.
“We are thrilled to continue to support the Jewish Elderly in Greater New Haven through these grants. The $176,000 awarded to Jewish Family Service, The Towers at Tower Lane, and Chabad of the Shoreline reflects our dedication to addressing diverse needs as the aging population grows,” said Craig Sklar, Chair of the Jewish Foundation’s Jewish Elderly Grants Committee. “We are honored to collaborate with our partners, promoting innovative programs for food support, socialization, community outreach, and social work services, ensuring joyful, dignified, and independent golden years.”
Rabbi Yossi Yaffe, Director of Chabad of the Shoreline, shares about the program: “Throughout the year, Chabad of the Shoreline’s senior-services coordinator Mel Van Emmenes visits every assisted living and rehab center on the Shoreline and River region that has Jewish residents. This has allowed her to match residents with our friendly visitors. The impact of the friendly visitors has been tremendous. And some true friendships have blossomed, enriching both the visitors and their elderly hosts.” Chabad of the Shoreline’s Friendly Visitor Program is expanding to reach seniors who are still living in their homes but would like a weekly visitor. Rabbi Yaffe sees these dedicated volunteers as a living example of the Torah’s command to respect the elderly. “They are offering kindness and friendship in a dignified way to our community’s seniors,” notes Rabbi Yaffe. “A program like this is so important, especially in this time of increased isolation, fragmentation and disruption since the COVID pandemic. With the financial support of the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, we can create a more connected and caring community for the Jewish elderly population on the Shoreline.”
“Through the Jewish Senior Task Force and Jewish Senior Initiatives, The Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven welcomes the opportunity to provide funding and support to these initiatives,” said Lisa Stanger, Executive Director of the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. “Our goal is to ensure that the golden years of our elderly are filled with joy, fulfillment, and independence. We look forward to continued support of our partner organizations.”
*Source: Agency of Aging of South Central CT. ‘The Age-Inclusivity of New Haven and Connecticut’ www.aoascc.org
“We are honored to collaborate with our partners, promoting innovative programs for food support socialization, community outreach, and social work services, ensuring joyful, dignified and independent golden years.”
“On Saturday, November 27, 2021, our daughter, Marley Alexandra Bloom, became a bat mitzvah at Beth El Temple in West Hartford. Marley was surrounded by her friends and family and led the congregation in the week’s Torah portion. To say we are proud of her is an understatement. Another reason to be proud of her is how she is using some of the money she received from friends and family to open a fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven. Marley is excited to continue her connection to the Jewish community by being able to give to organizations that align with her principles.”
—Michael Bloom, Build a Tzedakah Fund donor.
About ‘Build A Tzedakah’
‘Build A Tzedakah’, a Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven initiative, encourages philanthropy at a young age. B’nei Mitzvah families make a $600 contribution (minimum amount) which received a $400 match from the Jewish Foundation, thus establishing a $1000 charitable fund, at the Jewish Foundation, for the young adult. Every December, the young adult may distribute funds to chosen charities or causes that are meaningful to them. The goal is to foster a lifelong commitment to giving back and creating a positive impact on the community.
Contact the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven for more information today at: [email protected] or www.newhavenjewishfoundation.org/youth.

We are excited to bring you a new feature—Our Community Wish List! Each issue will highlight just some of our organizations’ funding needs. If you have a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) at the Jewish Foundation, you can use your DAF to fund that need. Go to our website to see more community needs.
Jewish Immersive Experiences
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization
BBYO (B’nai B’rith Youth Organization) is a teen-led, staff-empowered youth leadership movement that allows Jewish teens to form meaningful peer connections resulting in lifelong Jewish engagement. BBYO Connecticut ValleyRegion offers a robust menu of experiences for teens to form meaningful friendships, hone their leadership skills, and participate in Jewish rituals in highly social environments. The most well attended and widely implemented gathering moments are weekend retreats, known in BBYO as regional conventions. These conventions typically take place at hotels during the weekend, engaging hundreds of Jewish teens. What makes regional conventions special is that teens take the lead on planning and implementation, working months in advance to create Shabbat experiences, design engaging and innovative programming, and build other unique experiences including sports tournaments and spirit competitions. Specific speakers to be contracted in the coming year include Holocaust survivors, Israeli art and cultural guides, entrepreneurs, and experts on antisemitism and inclusion.
Tree Work
Jewish Cemetery Organization
The Jewish Cemetery Association has an immediate need for funding to clear out overgrowth and tree limbs. This will help to mitigate falling, shifting, and sinking headstones and footstones, thus restoring honor and dignity to the cemeteries.
Hebrew/English Signage
Camp Laurelwood
Camp Laurelwood seeks funding for English and Hebrew signs around campus. The signage would allow camp to enhance its space, instruct campers in Hebrew vocabulary, and increase overall security.

Want to help or have a need?
Check out what else is on our Community Wish List by visiting newhavenjewishfoundation.org.
Think of a donor-advised fund as your charitable bank account. When you contribute cash or securities to your DAF, you are eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Those funds can be invested for tax-free growth, and you can recommend grants to any IRS-qualified public charity over time.
Establish a special charitable fund in your name with the Jewish Foundation.
Contribute cash or appreciated securities.
Foundation sells the assets and credits your fund with the sale proceeds.
You receive a tax receipt for charitable deduction purposes—no capital gains taxes are payable.
The proceeds are invested and continue to work for you, tax free.
Request distribution to qualified charities—at your convenience.