2024 First Quarter Newsletter

Siol Rosenkranz was committed to preserving the heritage of an abandoned Jewish cemetery nestled in central Poland, in the small town of Krośniewice. From the moment this sacred ground was revitalized in 2014 until Sol’s passing in 2019, he dedicated himself to preserving the memories it held.

The cemetery has endured a tumultuous history, with
the Nazis stripping away its headstones in 1939. Neglect during the post-war and Communist eras allowed the site to transform into an overgrown thicket, concealing countless Jewish graves beneath.
In a heartfelt tribute to their beloved father, Rita and Joel Rosenkranz have worked with the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven to establish the Krośniewice Jewish Cemetery Fund In Memory of Sol Rosenkranz, designed to ensure the perpetual care of this significant and sacred site.
“Sol’s inaugural visit to the site was in 2013 with Rabbi Schudrich.” Joel said. “The dedication ceremony took place in 2014, and more recent images highlight the grand entry gates and a memorial plaque, recounting the town’s rich Jewish history. The photos vividly illustrate the pride and
The fund’s mission is to ensure the annual upkeep and maintenance of the cemetery, in perpetuity. In addition to collaborating with the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, the siblings also partnered with the Friends of Jewish Heritage in Poland.

“We are committed to preserving Sol’s
dream of creating a dignified final resting
place, an enduring tribute to his remarkable
legacy,” said Rita. “Our hope is that the
sacred ground will remain a testament
to Sol’s enduring spirit and a symbol of
remembrance for years to come.”
“I would like to thank the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven for the Daughters of 1853 Nurse Scholarship that I received through Southern Connecticut State University. After I receive my Bachelor’s in nursing, I hope to enroll in a Physician’s Assistant Master’s program at a university/college. Your kind gesture has encouraged me to keep pushing and never give up during the hardest times of my nursing studies. You are one of the reasons I have been able to continue and complete my nursing studies, and for that, I am grateful.”
-Saana Mohammed

The Jewish Foundation offers needs-based and needs-blind scholarships for high school seniors from Jewish households. All applications must be completed online by May 31, 2024. All applications are confidential and anonymously reviewed. Awards range from $500 to $3,000.
This is a competitive application process. Most years there are more applicants than money available. Therefore, awards are based on the strength of the application.
The Jewish Foundation offers needs-based assistance for New Haven area synagogue schools. The deadline for the online application is October 2, 2024.
The Jewish Foundation offers needs-blind incentive grants for first-time campers to Jewish overnight camp and needs-based aid for first-time and returning campers.
There are over 200 traditional and specialty Jewish overnight camps to choose from. The application deadline is June 10, 2024.
The Jewish Foundation Israel Experience Program enables Jewish students, ages 15–20, the opportunity to participate in an Israel experience to develop, enrich, and reinforce their Jewish education and identity.
Scholarships are for short-term (minimum of 3-week program) and long-term organized Israel educational programs. For 2024 summer trips, applications are due by April 7, 2024. For 2024 gap or academic year programs, applications are due by June 10, 2024.
An essay and two recommendations are required. All applications are confidential and anonymously reviewed by the Israel Experience Scholarship committee. These scholarships are needs-blind.
This is a competitive application process. Most years there are more applicants than money available. Therefore, awards are based on the strength of the application.
For more information and applications, visit: jewishnewhaven.org/scholarships
Beckerman Family Pace Challenge Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment
Thank you to the families listed below for helping us successfully complete our challenge. If you would like to join them in helping us reach (and surpass!) our $5 million goal, contact List Stanger at [email protected].
Current PACE Challenge Donors (as of 1/30/24)

- Norman & Caron Alderman**
- Richard Amerling**
- David & Karen Astrachan*
- Rosalind & Stephen Atkins*
- Steve & Judy August*
- Gerry and Debbi Barker*
- Brad Beckerman**
- Linda & Leonard Bell*
- Harvey Bixon*
- Rob & Stacey Bland*
- Leatrice Brodner*
- Jay & Lynn Brotman*
- Mark & Linda Caplan*
- Nancy Cohen*
- Rhoda Cohen*
- Michael and Karen Diamond**
- Jody Ellant**
- Rick and Debra Epstein*
- Ronald Farber Memorial PACE Fund*
- Dale & Robert Felice**
- Marilyn Fishbone*
- Adam Fleischman*
- Andrea & Steven Fleischman*
- Julie Fleischman*
- Samantha Fleischman*
- Zoe Fleischman*
- Claire Frankel**
- Kal Watsky and Deborah Fried**
- Suzanne Gallant**
- Gary & Patricia Ginsberg*
- Dena Schulman-Green & Eric Green**
- Judith Hahn**
- Betsy and Jeffrey Hoos**
- Scott & Jocelyn Hurwitz**
- Bruce & Irene Jacobs*
- Cari & Keith Kaplan**
- Joel & Iny Karp**
- Elliott Kerzner Memorial PACE Fund*
- Ed Konowitz*
- Jackie Koral*
- George & Susan Krall**
- Barbara & John Lichtman**
- Bill Loftus*
- Joan & Stuart Margolis*
- Lisa Martin**
- Marc & Nancy Olins**
- Barbara Green Orell*
- Hap & Stacey Perkins**
- Jodi & Richard Pollack**
- Paul & Rita Portnoy*
- Eric Ravid**
- Norman & Karyn Ravski*
- Stephen Saltzman**
- Shirley Scholder**
- Jimmy Shure**
- Colby & David Sirowich*
- Susan and Doug Skalka*
- Mark and Judy Sklarz**
- Ina Silverman & Jay Sokolow*
- Emily Fine & Stephen Stein*
- Jeffrey & Robyn Teplitzky*
- Barry and Hyla Vine**
*= new fund established
**= added funds to existing
Please remember the Jewish community in your estate plans
Born in Vienna, Jacqueline Koral’s mother-in-law, Regina Koral, lived through the horrors of the Holocaust, hidden in Belgium. She and her husband came to the United States in 1949.
At the age of 95, Jackie and her husband brought her mother-in-law from Manhattan to the Towers at Tower Lane in downtown New Haven. Regina was terrified. “I don’t know anybody there,” she said, “and I speak with a funny accent.” But her fears were soon overcome as she was embraced by the residents and staff of the Towers.
Gina, as she was known at the Towers, insisted that Jackie become involved with the Towers because Gina loved her life there so much, and so Jackie did. Jackie joined the Towers Board, became a Board Chair, and eventually established an endowment for the Towers.
The Towers at Tower Lane stands at the forefront of Active Aging. Balancing Jewish values, they are a ‘center of excellence,’ fostering respect, competence, compassion, and commitment to innovation and tradition. Their mission promotes personal growth and wellness and truly supports their vision of ‘Aging in Community’.
Create a Jewish Legacy, a collaborative endowment program funded by the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation of Western Massachusetts, assists our local agencies and synagogues to secure their future by providing resources and support so that they can grow their endowment and legacy programs.
Gina never expected that the last five years of her life would be so fulfilling and meaningful to her. Jackie said, “My mother-in-law became the inspiration. I created this endowed fund at the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven to ensure a living legacy for my family and also provide support for the Towers. Gina made it all happen.”

Be forever remembered by our community for the legacy you leave.
Make YOUR legacy a brighter tomorrow.

Scott Hurwitz
Nan Birdwhistell
Linda Caplan
Josh Erlanger
Eric Green
Glen Greenberg
Erica Gross
Eric Grubman
David Hass
Eric Hendlin
Norman Kaplan
Jackie Koral
Sara Nuland
Marc Olins
Michael Price
Linda Randell
Lewis Shaffer
Governance Chair
Doug Skalka
Kal Watsky
Gerry Barker
Federation President
Gayle Slossberg
Federation CEO
Rabbi Benjamin Scolnic
Board of Rabbis Appointee
Steve Fleischman
Federation Immediate Past Present
Steve Fleischman
Betsy Hoos
LOJE Chair
Jeffrey Hoos
Steve Glick
John Levy
Stephen Saltzman
Mark Sklarz
Governance Chair
Craig Sklar
Investment Chair & Jewish Elderly Grants Chair
David Trachten
Lisa Stanger, JD, LL.M.
Executive Director
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x382
Sarah Domena
Marketing and Communications Director
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x384
Tiberius Halai
Grants & Gifts Manager
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x312
Beth Kupcho
Director of Scholarships & Philanthropy
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x316
Stephanie Licsak
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x327
Tamara Schechter
Create a Jewish Legacy Manager
[email protected]
(203) 387-2424, x325