Israeli Scholarship Funds Young Judaea Summer Program in Israel

This summer I had the opportunity to travel to Israel for five weeks with Camp Young Judaea in New Hampshire. The fact that my trip was delayed by a year, due to covid, made me appreciate the opportunity on another level.
We were able to travel all over the country and had experiences and made memories that I will always value. We spent a lot of time in important museums, learning about other cultures, among other valuable learning experiences. Some of my favorite parts were a three-day camping and hiking trip, volunteering with an amazing organization called Save A Child’s heart, and spending all that time with some of my favorite people ever, my camp friends.
I have been involved in my Jewish community for my whole life but visiting Israel made me even more committed to leading a Jewish life. I would like to thank the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven for the generous scholarship that allowed me to take this trip and have this truly once in a lifetime experience.