Join us online June 30 Donor Advised Funds:The Swiss Army Knife of Gift Planning With Bryan Clontz, PhD, CFP,® CLU,® CAP,® AEP,® RICP,® ChSNC®Founder and President, Charitable Solutions, Inc.
In this highly interactive session, Clontz will present the history, growth and current status of donor advised funds – the fastest growing charitable vehicle over the last 20 years.
Four distinct case studies will be offered, covering complex charitable planning dilemmas where donor advised funds are the ideal solution.
Clontz will present a cross-disciplinary approach touching on legal, tax, investment and financial planning techniques unique to each charitable case.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.presented on Zoom. Space is limited; advance registration required.