Keeping PACE (and LOJE) with New Haven’s Future

This year the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven distributed $517,000 the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven 2022 annual campaign from the Foundation’s Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) and the Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE).
“The Foundation’s distribution from PACE/LOJE funds to the annual campaign grew from $19,691 in 1999 to $517,000 in 2022,” said Foundation Chair Scott Hurwitz in reporting this year’s contributions. “This extraordinary increase is one example of the Foundation’s growth in size and impact over the last several years.”
“The foresight and generosity of our community has allowed the Foundation to create a strong and lasting endowment to provide current funding for our collective priorities. The Foundation will continue to work with the Federation, our agencies, synagogues and donors to support our community well into the future,” he added.
With PACE/LOJE funds, you can endow your gift to the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven and guarantee future support for critical programs and services in the Jewish and general communities.
What are PACE/LOJE funds?
PACE/LOJE funds are permanent endowment funds of the Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven established in your name to perpetuate your annual commitment to the Federation’s annual campaign. Every year, the annual spendable portion of your fund will distribute to the Campaign. The distribution will be made in perpetuity and in your name.
These significant endowments connect today’s Jewish community to tomorrow’s by creating a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire younger generations to become campaign donors.
How Does It Work?
Everyone, regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation, has the ability to leave a legacy. Your gift can be customized and structured to fit your dreams, lifestyle, family, and financial needs. You can provide support for a particular organization or area of interest.
A PACE/LOJE fund may be established with a minimum commitment of $10,000. Commitments under $10,000 are pooled together in the Foundation’s Community PACE Fund. A LOJE fund is established with a minimum commitment of $100,000 (as it endows a woman’s Lion of Judah annual campaign gift).
They may be established using a gift of cash, securities, or other property during your lifetime; or you can establish your PACE/LOJE fund through your estate plan to be funded after your death. You can use life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, retirement accounts and donor advised funds to create a PACE/LOJE Fund.
When you make the gift during your lifetime, you may receive a charitable income tax deduction. Gifts made through your estate plan may reduce your taxable estate.
An Eye on the Future
“PACE Funds will ensure our Jewish Community is healthy long into the future,” noted Steve Fleischman, president of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven. “This year we received over $500,000 from PACE funds established in the past to get our Annual Campaign off to a great start. So many people in our community annually support the Federation Campaign, starting a PACE fund will ensure that their support is there for our community for generations to come.”