Professional Development Grants for Educators

Home » Professional Development Grants for Educators

What Are Professional Development Grants?

Thanks to the Judith A. Kaye Fund for Teachers in Jewish Education and the Community Education Funds, the Jewish Foundation is thrilled to offer professional development grants for Jewish educators. These grants will help ensure that classroom educators in local Jewish schools have the opportunity to attend workshops and conferences in order to develop their teaching skills, and will help local Jewish organizations to provide educational opportunities to instructors and the community. This is a biannual grant cycle. Applicants are encouraged to apply in Spring and Fall.

Applicants must be either:

  • Classroom educators employed in Jewish education in a local Jewish school or synagogue and/or
  • A local Jewish school or synagogue. Eligible programs must be hosted by a recognized Jewish institution or reputable educational institution.

Steps to Apply:

  1. Visit our grants page to access the application.
  2. There are two applications, one for individuals and one for organizations. Select the application that fits your situation.
  3. Review the application and fill in completely.
  4. Submit the application by Spring: April 11, 2025 and Fall: October 15, 2025
  5. You will receive a notification via email if you received a grant.