JFedNA, JCF&EF San Francisco

The Jewish Foundation Israel Experience Scholarship Program enables local Jewish students ages 14-19 
the opportunity to participate in an Israel experience to develop and enrich their Jewish education and reinforce their Jewish identity.

The Jewish Foundation provides scholarships for both short- term (minimum of 3 week program) and long-term organized Israel educational programs. Greater New Haven youth ages 14-19 are eligible. 

For 2020 summer trips, applications are due by May 15, 2020.  
For the 2020-2021 gap or academic year programs, applications are due by May 15, 2020.  
An essay and 2 recommendations are required.  
All applications are confidential and anonymously reviewed by the Israel Experience Scholarship committee. 
Awards are based on the strength of the application and are NOT needs-based. 

Go to www.jewishnewhaven.org/scholarships for more information, a list of qualifying programs, and application requirements.