JFedNA, JCF&EF San Francisco

Jewish Camp Works

Did you know that….

  • As adults, Jewish campers are 21 percent more likely to feel that being Jewish is very important.
  • As adults, Jewish campers are 26 percent more likely to be members of a synagogue.
  • As adults, Jewish campers are 55 percent more likely to feel very emotionally attached to Israel.
  • 1 out of 3 Jewish professionals (rabbis, cantors, teachers) started out as counselors at Jewish camp.
  • 1 out of 5 Jewish educators cited Jewish camp as a key experience that caused them to enter the field
    Go to the Foundation for Jewish camp for more information

The Foundation for Jewish Camp, with support from the Jim Joseph Foundation and the AVI CHAI Foundation, have successfully established new business models for Jewish camps and created a forum to pilot new educational models by integrating Jewish learning with activities that kids are passionate about – the environment, performing arts, science, sports, and outdoor adventure. To find out about 195 different Jewish overnight camps, including science and technology camps, movement camps, adventure camps, travel camps, special-needs camps, and general camps, go to www.onehappycamper.org

Yes! We Have Both–Incentive Grants for First time Campers AND Needs Based Aid for Overnight Jewish Camps.

The Jewish Foundation is thrilled to be able to offer incentive grants for first time campers as well as needs based aid for overnight Jewish camps.  Campers must reside in the Greater New Haven catchment area.

Up to $1000 incentive grant (NOT needs based) for overnight Jewish camp.  The Jewish Foundation, in partnership with the One Happy Camper program of the Foundation for Jewish Camp, as well as an anonymous donor, is thrilled to offer needs blind grants up to $1,000 for first time campers from greater New Haven to attend any one of over 195 traditional and specialty Jewish overnight camps nationwide.  
Needs based aid for overnight Jewish camp.  The Jewish Foundation, in partnership with an anonymous donor, is thrilled to offer needs-based financial assistance for first-time AND returning campers from greater New Haven to attend Jewish overnight camps nationwide.

Applications and eligibility details https://jewishnewhaven.org/scholarships/one-happy-camper